“If you don’t know where you are going, any path will take you there.”
Sioux Proverb
In these rapidly changing, fast paced days, the organization motto seems to be “just go do it!” This in turn creates a chaotic, frenetic and reactive work place and workforce. Maybe working in this type of environment is “fun” in our younger years, but as our society ages, a more steady, predictable, focused work effort would be welcome by many!
Why plan? Because organizations that plan well perform better than their competitors in the long run. Planning that “starts at the top” or starts with the “big picture” or future in mind is where strategic planning begins. Strategic planning can be done at the organization level, the division level or the department level. It can encompass 1-2 years out or up to 10-20 years down the pipeline.
Strategic Planning answers the questions:
- What’s working well?
- What needs improvement?
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to be? And by when?
- How will we get there? Who must do what?
- How are we doing? (once implemented)
If your group has a Strategic Plan, but it never seems to get implemented (because everyone is just too busy!), it’s time to get refocused!
If your Strategic Plan is more than 2 years old, it’s time to revisit the commitments made!
And if your group or organization is in need of a Strategic Planning Session, the time is now!
Contact Us to discuss how we can help you get your strategic plan under control.
You might just get to experience the joy in having a focus!!